Saturday, March 5, 2011

Our Glorious Lives

God Loves You!  God Loves You!

When its told to us we act as though we already know this but do we really fully grasp what this means? 
God is the creater of the universe and is the ruler and commander of the universe!
 In the infinity that is our universe God decided to create planet earth and everything that exists in it including all the plants animals mountains and oceans.  But the one thing he set above was humans the one thing he created in God created in his very own image.  God was very proud of the earth when he created it!  This is evident by the fact that God took the seventh day he rested and just admired his wonderful creation!  The fact that God allows us to roam freely on Earth is a testimate to Gods love for us.  Life in and of itself is a blessing everyday that we wake up and inhale the oxygen vitally neccessay for existance its a blessing from the supreme ruler of the universe and the reason is out of love! 
When God Created humans his intention for us was for to live great and glorious lives.  Each and everyone of us is destined for greatness.  But what we have to realize is that no matter the challenges and obstacles that lay in the path between where we are and our glorious destiny God manifests destiny and because God has love for us thats pure and unconditional God is constantly working to see to it that we realize our Glorious destiny.  What we must do is just stay faithful to God and realize that the almighty ruler of the universe whose domain is infinite and power is limitless loves us and is the number one supreme being that is always in our corner and is always giving us unconditional love and is always paying attention and already knows exactly what we need and is eager to provide it exactly the way we need it and all we have to do is have faith! 
Once our fatih is strong and solidified suddenly all of our prayers become answered one by one not neccesarily in the way we want them to or expect them to, but it is the ends that we must focus on and have faith that God himself IS our means so allow God to do it his own way and just have faith that God will do it because God loves us unconditionally.  Once you realize that God loves you no matter what you can be confident and battle any challenge and obstacle in your way!  Just the way David did in his battle against Goliath.  David knew he was annointed by God and that God had tremendous and glorious plans for him which gave him confidence that he would defeat goliath with only a sling!  David had understanding and faith that God had a destiny layed out for him which made it impossible for him to defeated on his path!  So as you go forward in your life go forward with knowledge and understanding that God the ruler of the universe creater of heaven earth loves and cherishes you and wants nothing more than to see you live the glorious life God intended for all of us!!!!
