The church, and I mean the church universal, has always had an interesting, if not strained relationship with sex. When the scriptures are not punishing someone (usually a woman), for having it, not having it, or having too much of it, church leaders historically have sought to make the chasm between the church and sex as wide as possible.
Even today, many pastors, clergy and exhorters of the gospel stay away from the topic of sex in the preached word. It is not a neat and tidy discussion to talk about the way Christ's birth, death and resurrection, or His gospel of love and empowerment of the masses are easy to talk about.
Which is why Texas Pastor Ed Young's actions and plans this weekend are interesting. Pastor Young plans to spend a night in a bed a top a roof with his wife this weekend, having a discussion about sex that will be streamed live on the Internet. Specifically, they will answer questions about their love life and general relationship questions.
Now here's the hustle: The couple are promoting their new book, "Sexperiment," which, among other things calls on couples to have sex for seven straight days to strengthen their marriages.
You mean to tell me the key to ensuring financial stability, quality education and health care for children and harmony in the home can be achieved by couples having sex for seven straight days? Russel Brand is somewhere in time, hearing about this, weeping and wishing the book came out just a few days sooner.
I can't knock Pastor Ed Young's hustle. This thing may work and his book may be just what the community needs. I guess we'll see. For now, I'm sure we can look forward to seeing Pastor Young and his wife on the grind (figuratively) this weekend, talking about sex and if nothing else, selling their book.
If only Jesus had this kind of marketing genius around Him...everybody would know about His life and gospel.
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