I have been quietly waiting for the opportunity to write this post for over two years.
This past weekend, Tiger Woods won the Chevron World Challenge golf tournament, ending a drought of almost 30 winless tournaments over two years. He has made strong showings in several golf tournaments, including the 2011 President's Cup, but wins have eluded Tiger for some time.
We know the trouble Tiger has been in. We know about the divorce. We know about the porn stars and the side pieces. We know about the hush money Tiger gave to all of them and we know the sex rehab center he went to because of all of the trouble he was in. Let us not rehash it.
It has been most interesting over the past two years to watch people watch Tiger. His friends and enemies alike have fallen away from him. Sports writers and golfers who lived in Tiger's chilly shadow for years, made a point to attack him about his personal failings whenever they got a chance to do so publicly.
Even his closest friend, his long time caddie, a guy Tiger heaped millions of dollars on for almost two decades, took some racially insensitive and tasteless shots at Tiger while Tiger has been down.
They, wallowing in self-righteousness, hurled "I told you so's" and "He's troubled and sick," as if they didn't know that Tiger would make a comeback, rise from the ashes and win tournaments; find a way to make people love him again.
It all reminds me of how friends and family of Christ fell away from Christ and betrayed Him just before He was crucified, not knowing or at least not fully believing that Christ would rise from His grave and make His Ascension. That had to be a lonely place for Christ in those moments, but He was comforted by prayer and meditation to the Creator.
I am not calling Tiger Christ, but it appears that a healthier Tiger is on his way back. While many have fallen away, I for one, am praying and meditating for his well being.
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