Today, we acknowledge the life and bravery of Rosa Parks. The story of her curage is legendary. On December 1st, 1955, a tired Rosa Parks sat down in a seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. As the bus became crowded, the driver of the bus asked Parks to give up her seat for a white passenger. Naturally she refused, and Parks' refusal to give up her seat spurred what we now know as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and eventually, the Civil Rights era in the United States.
We know that Parks was not the first person in this country or internationally, to engage in civil disobedience, but her actions were forward-thinking, radical and enveloped in and with the notions of humanness and equality. She made this country think about the manner in which it treats all of its citizens.
And, by the way, she was a faithful memeber of the African Methodist Episcopial church.
As we celebrate the spirit of Rosa Parks, let us, particularly those in the A.M.E. church, remember her by keeping the same forward-thinking spirit in dealing with issues of salience today.
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