Sunday, May 22, 2011

Caught up in the Rapture...of Love

So May 21st has come and gone.  Naturally, there was no doomsday.  We are still here living and functioning on earth.

The Sight has been silent about the claims that the world would end yesterday with wrath and such.  We believe that the study of eschatology is a sublime discipline and should be treated with care, and so we did not weigh in on the claims because we could not find something constructive to say about the leaders of this movement or the formula they used to calculate and determine that yesterday would be the end.  So silence was a better alternative to anything we could have done.

And as the world awoke this morning to find that the world was still here, there were many "I told you so's" and even more mocking of the subscribers of this movement.  The Sight will not engage in that either.  There are many followers of the movement who are indeed searching for answers, are disillusioned and are feeling perhaps foolish for leaving jobs, selling homes and otherwise dispensing fortunes to follow the May 21st movement.

What we will do is offer our meditations and prayers for those individuals.  They need both in this moment more than snarky articles from a media that irresponsibly gave this movement more attention than it should have received. 

If we can find something positive from this experience at all, it is this:  It is impossible to predict with any credible certainty when God and Spirit intend to make a call for this earth.  What we can know, what is spelled out very clearly in the scriptures, is how God and Spirit want us to behave while we are here on earth.

God and Spirit do not want us to spend time concocting formulas to determine the end.  Rather, God and Spirit want us to...well, love.  To get caught up in the, you know, rapture of love.  To love God, Spirit and our neighbors--love them enough to work to end marginalization and oppression and hunger.  Love them enough that we would give up our possessions and follow that movement--the love movement.

The millions the May 21st movement spent for media ad buys and traveling across the country over the past several years to warn us to prepare for something that did not happen and that the scriptures say we should be perpetually ready for, could have made the would a better place. 

Perhaps it did.

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