Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Presbyterian Church is So Gay!

This week, the Presbyterian Church as a communion voted to allow gays and lesbians not only to be ordained, but to serve as clergy.  The communion, however failed to approve a measure that would allow clergy to perform same-sex marriages.  Clergy can, according to the communion, can bless a same-sex union or partnership as long as it does not resemble a marriage.

While the move still denies gays and lesbians the ability to marry and have their partnerships recognized by the church, it is a historic and significant.  The Presbyterian Church is one of the largest communions to allow openly gay and lesbian clergy to be ordained and serve in the church.

Many people are pleased by this move; others are gravely disappointed by the Presbyterian Church and believe that gays and lesbians are not fit to serve as clergy simply because they are, you know, gay or lesbian.

Now, as clergy, the greatest and most weighty task we have is articulated by Christ himself in the Great Commission or Matthew 28:16-20--we are to baptize pursuant to the Trinity and make disciples of all nations.

Because pastors are in the care of souls they have added duties to bury their dead, visit their sick, and generally be in the spiritual and administrative management of both the ecclesio as well as the ecclesia (the body of the church as well as message and work of the church).

Its no secret that since the church's beginning in the first century Roman Empire, gay clergy have served the church and God capably, keeping their sexual orientation secret or private.

From where I sit, there is nothing about being openly gay or lesbian that would prevent an individual who has been called to be separated as clergy, from carrying out the duties inculcated in the Great Commission. 

Perhaps I am missing something.  Am I?

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