Thursday, May 26, 2011

Moths In the Light

          As human beings created by God for his enjoyment and put here on earth to roam and seek out the desires of our heart we as smart creaters have a thirst for knowledge we always like to find out things.  Our lives are full of retrieving and interpreting infomation.
         We must realize that God our creator is also the creator of the earth and everything else that exists in our relm of reality!  God is the one who creates and determines what is true in our realities!  One thing that God created was his son Jesus Christ.  Jesus taught the world the truth about God his father and people started to call him teacher.  More than people came to Jesus for his miracles and his healing powers people came to jesus for knowledge!  In john 14 Jesus says that God is in him and he is of God and later refers to himself as the truth and the life.  Jesus also goes on to say that everything asked in his name he will give in order to glorify the father!  This means we can find truth and knowledge we seek thru prayer and even more so thru meditation 
        I have found it interesting how we consider knowledge and truth to be light...  When someone learns something they become enLIGHTend when someone has good idea a light bulb goes on!  when someone knows nothing they are in the dark.  As we walk the earth we are in the dark about a lot of questions: what or who is God, who is jesus, what happends to us when we die, recently we've been wondering about the end of the world.  As we continue on this quest for enlightenment are we anything more than moths with an irresistable urge to move towards the light?  We must never give up this quest!  It is this quest that keeps us praying and meditating,  and it is only thru prayer and meditation that we gain enlightenment and become closer to Jesus and thus closer to God!  My fellow moths the light awaits us lets race!!!!!!

- Tony -

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